Ox Ridge Parent Teacher Organization

Veterans Day 2023

Ox Ridge will continue the tradition of our Veterans Day program this year on Thursday, November 9th.

As many of you know, this program is an extremely significant event at our school. Our goal is to continue to develop a greater appreciation among students for our country and the veterans who sacrificed so much for our safety and freedoms.

We look forward to paying tribute to all the veterans in our families and communities – past, present, near and far – with an in-person program in our new cafeteria and auditorium! We are thrilled to welcome our veterans back this year.

How to Participate

If any veterans in your life are able to join us in-person that day, please contact us by Monday, October 23rd by emailing oxridgepto@gmail.com with the subject line “Veterans Day 2023”. We will have our veterans participate in some Q&A with our students as we have done in the past.

If you have a veteran or active duty service member in your family, or if you know a veteran who you would like to honor by having their biography and pictures displayed in school, please complete the form below by October 23rd as well. Please note: If you have submitted your veteran’s biographical information before, it is not necessary to do so again. The photos and biographies will be posted in the pod area for each grade.

If you are able to volunteer your time, either with set-up before, during or after the celebration, or in preparation for the event, please contact us at oxridgepto@gmail.com.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to honoring our country’s heroes once again!

Veterans Day Program

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